-Introduction of the newly designed leather textile “KYOTO Leather” with Kyoto Artists

-Introduction of the newly designed leather textile “KYOTO Leather” with Kyoto Artists – With the traditional Yuzen technique of dyeing kimonos in japan, We are offering the world-leading leather textile “KYOTO Leather” designed by KYOTO Artists. KYOTO Leather realized the delicate and sophisticated description and coloring on the unique leather dyeing. The design is derived from the ancient GENJI story which has more than thousand years’ history. This new and unique fusion of traditional art and leather attracts the fashion, furniture and all the other areas of business for their new products. Date&Time::17-21th August 2016 11:00-16:00 Venue: Japan American Cultural & Community Center http://www.jaccc.org/

KYOTO Leather ShowRoom Open

We are happy to announce you opening our showroom in Kyoto, Japan this Jully. We show small leather goods and some sample as well as leather materials.   KYOTO Leather Project ShowRoom 326, nishi-daikoku-cho, nakagyo-ku, kyoto, Japan 604-8063 TEL: +81-75-222-0808 Mail: info@kyotoleather.com Opening Hours:Irregular holidays  

Tokyo Shoemakers Collaboration

We will make an exhibition at 94th Tokyo leather fair in collaboration with tokyo shoemakers to make a presentations for all the possible customers. The information is below. We will be standing at 7th floor of the exhibition.   94th TOKYO LEATHER FAIR Date & Time Thursday 16 June, 2016 Friday 17 June, 2016 Venue Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Center, Taito-kan / 2-6-5, Hanakawado, Taito-ku, Tokyo, 111-0033, Japan Organized by Association of Tokyo Leather Fair Shouten Kaikan, 6-20-6 Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo Co-organizer Tokyo Metropolotan Government Also supported by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; Japan Leather and Leather Goods Industries Association Co-supported by Lineapelle

First solo exhibition at KYOTO

Thank you for coming to our premiere vision event on februaly. We will held a first solo exhibition at KYOTO next week. This is our first presentation time in Japan. We will exhibit our first collection we showed at Premiere Vision PARIS 2017 S/S. Also, we will make a presentation our Japanese Traditional Crafts Collections at this event. Please contact us(info@kyotoleather.com) for further details if necessary, Exhibition date: 15-16, April, 2016 ※held a reception on 15, Apr. Place: Kyoto International Manga Museum http://www.kyotomm.jp/english/ Thanks,

Make an inspection of Premiere Vision

京都レザープロジェクトでは、フランス・パリで開催された世界最大の素材展、「Premiere Vision LEATHER」の皮革素材展の視察に行ってまいりました。 会場は、メゾン・エ・オブジェ等も開催されている、シャルル・ド・ゴール国際空港そばの展示場。パリ市内からも、空港からも電車一本の展示場駅下車。グーグル・マップでは時刻表が検索に引っかからない、というのが難。 展示会の規模としては、皮革単独で行っているイタリアの展示会と比べれば若干小さいものの、出展ブースの数はイタリアに負けず、かなりバリエーションの楽しめる展示会でした。 事前にコンタクトをしていた事務局の担当者とも協議を重ね、次回以降の出展に向けて準備を進めていくことになりそうです、、、。まだ日本企業の出展は無い、ということで、是非とも進めていきたいと思っています! また詳細は順次アップしていきます!